Human engineering is the application of engineering principles and methods to human problems. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from designing safe and effective products to improving the quality of life of people.
Human psychology, on the other hand, is the study of the human mind and its workings. It encompasses everything from understanding why people act the way they do to understanding the effects of mental health conditions on individuals and societies.
Both human engineering and human psychology are essential for achieving the goals of organizations. They help create products that are safe and effective, as well as programs and policies that improve the quality of life for people.
Human engineering is a complex subject that has many different branches and subsections. It can involve everything from designing bridges and cars to creating computer systems. There are many different fields of human engineering, and each one has its own set of unique challenges and opportunities.
One of the main challenges of human engineering is trying to figure out how people interact with their environment. This can involve everything from understanding how people move and interact with their surroundings to figuring out how they think and process information.
Another major challenge of human engineering is trying to create systems that are both safe and functional. This can involve everything from creating car designs that are safe for drivers to designing systems that are beneficial for mankind.
Understanding human psychology is an essential part of being a successful salesperson. When you understand how people think, you can better anticipate their needs and build trust with them. Here are a couple of tips for understanding human psychology:
1. Analyze what is said and not said.
People tend to communicate through nonverbal cues as well as words. Pay attention to the tone of voice, the body language, and the way the information is conveyed. For example, if someone is trying to hide something, they may speak in a low voice or make aggressive movements.
2. Probe for information.
When you ask a person questions, be sure to probe.
Marvelous article on humans @Karen
Worth reading. You have excellent writing skills. I got engaged in your post in first two sentences @Karen
Quite an unusual article on ZillionPals @Karen but you have presented it wonderfully.