First of all I did not know in which category I should post this article. "Challenges" was the best choice. After reading this post let me know your thoughts if I would have posted it in a different category available here in the ZillionPals forum.
It is going to be a bit long post but I am sure at the end you will not repent reading it. In fact, you might agree with me as well.
To start with I would like to include all my friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances I have in my radar. I am writing this post based on my personal experiences with them.
There are situations when we have enjoyed and laughed with above mentioned relationships. At the same time we would have faced situations where they had started ignoring us, stopped communicating with us or started behaving differently. We had no idea why it happened.
How do we feel about this?
In most of the circumstances for their different behavior, I have seen, we start thinking that either :
a. their financial status has improved a lot or
b. they have got a fancy qualification or
c. they have been to an expensive overseas vacation or
d. they have bought a premium property/ expensive car or
e. their children have achieved something great
Due to the above situations their behavior towards us has changed. Here, you can add your own circumstances that you would have experienced with them.
You will be surprised to know my story in which I have seen just the opposite.
This is a real life example that happened to me. One of my real uncles who is well off started behaving differently with me in later part of life. Earlier I used to spend all my time enjoying with him discussing positive things in life. After a couple of years he changed almost completely. He started ignoring me and of late, I understood that he did not want to communicate with me. Initially I thought it was his superiority complex but later I came to know that he was in trouble due to his family complications. At that time, he did not discuss his family problems with anyone so I had no idea about it. A few years later, I came to know his family problems through a common relative.
Then I realized that it was his inferiority complex that was not allowing him to get in touch with me.
We often come to a conclusion about our relationships by looking at one angle only. We completely ignore the other side of the situation.
This has happened to me even with my friends. We shared everything with each other but at some point in time they stopped communicating with me.
According to me in 90% situations it is their inferiority complex rather superiority complex that hold them back to communicate with us. What is your say on this?
I hope this post will give you a brand new concept of life and your life will become happier than before.
I would be delighted to discuss with you on this topic.
If you like this post kindly share it in your social network.
@Jyoti Sinha I appreciate this post of yours. You have written about a very important aspect of life. This will surely bring happiness to people who read it.
@Jyoti Sinha incredible post. I will think accordingly now.
@Jyoti Sinha good one, quite practical approach in fact.
Excellent post @Jyoti Sinha
I never thought in this manner. Thank you @Jyoti Sinha for throwing light on this subject. Amazing post.