I used to thank everyone for even the smallest things and tried to see everything with a positive mindset. It became a habit, and I was doing it all the time without even realizing it. Whether it was a small favor or a simple conversation, I would thank people repeatedly. At first, it felt good, but over time, I started feeling a bit overwhelmed.
One day, I decided to slow down and cut back on this habit. I wanted to see how it would feel if I expressed my gratitude more naturally and genuinely rather than doing it all the time. Surprisingly, I started feeling better. I realized that thanking too much sometimes takes away the real meaning of appreciation.
Now, I take a moment to truly feel grateful before expressing it, and it feels more meaningful. This experience taught me that balance is important in everything, even in being thankful. Slowing down helped me appreciate things in a better way, and I feel more comfortable with my expressions now.
Appreciate your post. Thanking someone again and again for the same thing makes little sense. I believe in thanking once, but from the heart.
Your post makes sense.
You have given a new dimension to the art of gratitude. Your post is greatly appreciated.