Generally, we are so engrossed in our lives that we forget the people whom we are surrounded by.
We think of the following selfishly:
a) our health,
b) our goals,
c) our money,
d) our children,
e) our growth,
f) our relationships, g) our happiness and
h) our overall satisfaction

Recently, I have developed the habit of thinking about people's prosperity along the way. Our prosperity is directly linked with the society's prosperity.
Let the world prosper and we will prosper automatically.
If I make sense to you, give your feedback.
Let us pledge for the prosperity of one and all on this earth.
Thank you for the vibrant post @Robin K.
Your post is full of positive vibes. I like this about ZP forum @Robin K.
This post will really bring prosperity @Robin K.
Wonderful post @Robin K. I wish the same as well.