Since the inception of the ZillionPals forum, we have been encouraging people all over the world to share their daily success stories. No matter how tiny they are.
Our objective is to see and read stories from every individual out there. It makes our day even if we see a single success story on the forum.
The more people sharing their success the better. Every success story posted on the ZillionPals forum will inspire others to share. We want the chain of success stories to go everywhere and everyday through the platform of ZillionPals.
So in 2022, if you have any story of yours about which you are happy, it is actually your success story. It must be shared with the entire world.
Create your fresh post in "Success Stories" category.
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Kindly participate in the following poll:
Could you think of anything that made you happy today?
Why are people joining the ZillionPals learning forum?
The question is quite sensible and I see 15/15 votes saying yes. This is incredible @ZillionPals
Yes. This is a great concept. Would like to share
Very good concept. Loved it!
Reading the success stories of Zillion Pals members is interesting especially @Bill Abbate @Emma Lopez @Daniel Khristov @Nick Kirkpatrick @Kanika Sharma @Audrey Roskins @Jyoti Sinha @Robin K.
Looking to their positive posts even I have started posting on the forum.🙂👏👌💯
Thanks for creating this amazing platform for people to share their success/happy stories, however small they are, across the community/ world. When we spread the positives of our lives with others, the happiness only multiplies and brings joy to others. Kudos
An Unique concept, makes people feel things are more on brighter side of life only thing is how you take your life. Many encouraging things have learnt thru Zillion Pals, let the count become countless........
At the end of the year, it is the time to realise what good we have done.. efforts towards goal, however small they may be, they may have let you down but in my opinion should be counted on as success stories as they taught you valuable lessons.. so guys look ahead, be happy and enjoy 🤗🤗
A plateform that provides the opportunity to share your story with friends, unknown and generate diverse opinion!
Beautiful concept