Congratulations for the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry for a novel gene editing method called “CRISPRCas9” (discovered in 2012).These genetic scissors that can cut DNA at specific locations was originally discovered in a bacteria( they are part of their immune system) are being used to treat genetic disorders(sickle cell anemia),HIV, design new cancer therapies and many more. There is a patent dispute ongoing as 7 months after their discovery Zhangs group showed this can be used a double molecule method for eukaryote/human cell system, thus amplifying the value of this discovery. However, the original discovers maintained that they had stated how to apply it in their original work. It’s a very recent technology and it’s still in primitive stages, but good to see such encouragement.

@saliansmita Appreciate it.
@saliansmita Thank you Scientists and Doctors.
@saliansmita wow such a wonderful discovery. Hope we get a vaccine for Covid too. Thank you, Smita for sharing it. I would request you to comment on my recent post. Link follows.
@saliansmita good to know about it.
@saliansmita Congratulations to the community of scientists.
@saliansmita Good discovery indeed.
@saliansmita very nicely explained by you, though I am not from Science field but your post is quite interesting. Much appreciated.
@saliansmita thank you for sharing this.